The Etiwanda Colony PTA's mission is to connect students, families and our community.

We believe every adult has a responsibility to ensure that all children develop to their full potential. We believe parents are children’s first teachers and that parent involvement is essential throughout a child’s educational experience. We believe that family is the basic unit of society responsible for the support and nurturing of all children, and we recognize that “the family” may be defined in many ways. We believe our responsibility includes advocating for the safety and welfare of all children and the opportunity for a quality public education for each child.
Etiwanda Colony PTA 2019/2020 Roster
Name Position
Josh Blumenthal President
Rosalie Carcelan 1st VP of Means and Ways
Monica Blumenthal 2nd VP of Family Programs
Eva Gordon Secretary
Anthony Gordon Treasurer
Jennifer Hernandez Historian
Jose Carcelan Auditor
Jessica Calderon Parliamentarian
Jennifer Hernandez Holiday Boutique
Eva Gordon Book Fair
Jennifer Hernandez Book Fair
Martha Gray Spirit Day
Mrs Hackman Principal